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Laboratory analysis and expert assessment

organoleptic taste diagram from the expert panel

This year's harvest (October 2020) is characterized by a particularly low acid content .

We achieved 0.13% this year, which is a top value for a natural olive oil!

(The EU limit for extra virgin olive oil is 0.80%).

The sensory analysis (consisting of a panel of 8 experts) has confirmed the impeccable taste notes and the quality of "Extra Virgin Olive Oil".
Here you can see the taste diagram:

Enclosed you will find all laboratory values in detail - as a laboratory we have chosen Multichromlab due to > 25 years of experience in evaluating olive oil. And of course, it is accredited by the International Olive Council .

extra virgin olive oil laboratory analysis, polyphenols, extra virgin olive oil
extra virgin olive oil expert panel result, extra virgin olive oil expert panel, bitter substances, aroma, taste

The laboratory analysis in detail

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